Fibre Optic Training Course in the Solomon Islands

In October 2014 Av-Comm completed a fibre optic training course in the Solomons on behalf of Solomon Telekom. The course  provided a Professional Troubleshooting Technician Training Course focusing on recent advancements and best practise for Optical Fibre Networks. The course was held at Solomon Telekom’s Ranadi Training Facility over a period of two days.

The course provided a valuable opportunity for attendees to discuss the latest Coarse and Dense Wave Division Multiplexing solutions, Network Architectures, and best cleaning practices.

Solomon Telekom’s engineers brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to the training sessions with both the trainers and attendees gaining valuable insight into current network operations.

Av-Comm would like to thank Solomon Telekom for the opportunity to conduct this training course and look forward to further strengthening our relationship in the future.

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